
Campion College Tops Australian Universities In Student Satisfaction

QILT2017fig4. Campion College Australia.
QILT2017fig4. Campion College Australia.
16 May 2018

Campion College students are far more satisfied with their education than any other tertiary students in the country, according to the latest data.

The statistics, released today by Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT), showed a 96 per cent overall satisfaction rate with the quality of the undergraduate educational experience at Campion in 2016-2017.

This is five per cent higher than the highest satisfaction rating at the larger universities of 91 per cent (see below).

Campion College president Dr Paul Morrissey said the results highlighted not only the quality of the college’s Liberal Arts degree, but that Campion’s relatively small size was one of its strengths.

“At Campion you really are a name, not a number,” Dr Morrissey said.

“Students at larger institutions often don’t have access to the sort of attention and face-to-face time with faculty that Campion students enjoy, which we believe is a large contributing factor to these results.

“At Campion we deliberately foster a community of learning, so that the educational experience for each student is as much about formation as it is about learning the course.”

The QILT report noted Campion College’s unusually high satisfaction rating marked it as an exemplary tertiary institution that others could emulate.

“There do appear to be some NUHEIs (Non-University Higher Education Institutions) where students rate the quality of their overall education experience much higher than in other institutions,” the report states.

“While the same caveats apply about student ratings at institution level, these are clearly sites of best practice in the student experience which other institutions may learn from.”

Campion College is Australia's only tertiary Liberal Arts College, based in the Catholic tradition. The Sydney-based institute offers a Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts and a Diploma in the Foundations of Western Tradition.




Figures sourced from 2017 SES National Report (QILT)