Campion launches first fortnightly internal Debating Competition
Campion College has begun its first fortnightly internal debating competition, held between different Campion residential groups.
The competition began on Thursday 22 April and will continue every other week until the end of semester one.
The first debate was on the topic, That diplomacy is more effective than war, held between the girls' dorm team, St Joan of Arc, arguing affirmative, and the Jordan Hall boys' team, St Thomas Aquinas, arguing negative.
Adjudicator Dr Jeremy Bell announced the negative team the winner, in what he described as a difficult decision.
Second-year student and Debating Society President Deon Testore (pictured above) presided over the competition, which is also his brainchild.
He announced that next week's competition will be held between the Austin-Woodbury House girls' team, St John Chrysostom, and the boys' dormitory team, St Jude. The topic to be debated is That intelligence is a greater asset than emotion, with St John Chrysostom arguing in the affirmative and St Jude in the negative.
See images from last week's debate below.