Debating kicks off at Campion again

Last Thursday we had a fiery debate to kick start debating back on campus! The debate was was a joint event between the Campion Debating and Generation Liberty societies, the latter aiming to promote the values of liberty, democracy, and free markets. Hence why the debaters were contesting whether or not “economic inequality is a serious issue that needs to be addresses in the West”.
Samuel Laffy, Ariel Casanova and John Griffin made up the Affirmative team, whilst Joseph Nunes, Helen Phillips, and Ambrose Doodeman argued the Negative case. The Affirmative spoke on the dangers of vast income disparity, which they argued was an crucial factor behind social disharmony even leading to revolutions.
The Negative focused on the necessity, and even benefits of economic inequality, which fosters the entrepreneurial spirit in people and leads to a wealthier, more flourishing society. While both sides gave a good case and spoke with passion and enthusiasm, adjudicator Dr Luciano Boschiero declared the Negative team the winning side, with first-year student Ambrose Doodeman awarded ‘Best Speaker’.
Elizabeth introduces the topic and debaters.
It's been an exciting start to bringing back regular debates on campus since their hiatus due to the pandemic, and it's very promising to see new students with a wide range of experience and skills giving debating a go and working on their public speaking skills.
I’m very proud of all the debaters, students and staff who were involved and came to support their fellow Campionites and I look forward to hosting many more debates and public speaking events on campus!
Joseph Nunes speaks for the Negative team.
Author: Elizabeth Phillips
Elizabeth Phillips is a third-year student at Campion College. She is President of the Debating & Public Speaking Society and President of the Generation Liberty Society.