Parramatta Professionals Forum hosts Mr Andrew Bide
On Friday the 7th of July, the Parramatta Professionals Forum hosted Mr Andrew Bide, sole practitioner in Parramatta-based criminal law firm, FTC Law (Family Traffic & Crime).
Following his time in the police force and as a detective in the Northern Rivers of NSW, Andrew was seconded to the Independent Commission Against Corruption as an investigator working on several high profile investigations. Whilst a Police Prosecutor, he received a scholarship to study at Bond University in Queensland and completed his degree in Law with Honours. He has also completed an MBA through Southern Cross University and worked as a solicitor in the NSW Police Legal Services in compliance, policy and commercial units.
Andrew then made the move to private practice and academia as a Senior Lecturer at Charles Sturt University managing the Master of Arts (Investigations), Bachelor of Policing (Investigations) & Bachelor of Policing (Prosecutions). His next challenge was the Coal Compensation Board as Principal Solicitor prior to a “green change” to a small practice in Central Queensland working in areas of mining law, family law, crime, succession and employment law. Andrew established his own practice in Parramatta and later accepted a role in the Criminal Law Division of Legal Aid NSW until 2017.
The Parramatta Professionals forum team - McAuley Lawyers, Blueprint Property and Campion College Australia - want to thank Andrew for a great presentation and for sharing his journey. It was fascinating to hear about the challenges in upholding the law in today’s society
To learn more about how you can join Parramatta Professionals events, contact Yvette from Campion College or Marlyn from Blueprint Property.