Students check in on each other for R U OK? Week

This year, Campion held an R U OK? Week starting on national R U OK? Day on September 9.
Senior students interested in psychology and counselling formed an R U OK? Team together with College Counsellor Scott Carroll and Student Life Officer Sr M Luka Juenemann to prepare for the activities. These included an anonymous quiz, checking in on one another, as well as an interview with Scott on the final day of the week. In this interview, Scott answered questions such as:
- How do I prepare for a counselling session?
- What is the difference between a psychologist and a counsellor?
- What does a mental health diagnosis mean? Isn’t everyone anxious or depressed sometimes?
- How does resilience and positive psychology help my mental health?
- How can we support our families and friends at this time?
All Campion students were invited to participate in R U OK? Week.
First-year student Thomas Fernandez reflects on our online R U OK Week:
“I experienced the R U OK? Week event on Microsoft Teams last week as an opportunity to gain more insight into how to be more proactive during lockdown and to also reach out to others, whether that might be my friends or my family and ask if they are ok, considering the current circumstances which are out of our control.
"At times, the lockdown has been overwhelming, and it is hard not to be able to move as much as I would like. Considering the lockdown has taken its toll on everyone in Sydney, the R U OK? Event has reiterated to me that it's important to be positive and hopeful for better times ahead.”
Second-year student Ambrose Doodeman said,
“R U OK? Week at Campion was a really uplifting experience. I had multiple people check in with me and I likewise checked in with others. There was an anonymous survey where we could answer questions to see how well we are doing mentally. In this time of Covid and lockdowns it is imperative that mental health is taken care of and Campion is doing its part to make sure we are all OK.”
Thank you to everyone for joining in our R U OK? Week program to ensure our College community is welcoming and fostering everyone's well-being.