
UniMaronite launches new branding at Campion College Meet & Greet

UniMaronite Meet Greet March 2023 23
UniMaronite Meet Greet March 2023 23
03 Mar 2023

On Thursday the 2nd of March, Campion College welcomed over 50 young Maronites onto campus as part of a UniMaronite/Campion College Meet & Greet.

Following a welcome from Campion College Student Association President, Julian Vieira, and introductions from the 2023 UniMaronite Executive, everyone gathered in the Chapel for the Maronite Divine Office. A ‘speed meet’ icebreaker followed as a Middle Eastern dinner was prepared, with the evening culminating with Eastern entertainment and the announcement of UniMaronite’s new branding.

UniMaronite is an intervarsity movement that helps tertiary students grow in their Maronite faith. They currently have chapters within USYD, UTS, ACU, MQU, NDU, WSU and UNSW. You can follow UniMaronite on Facebook at www.facebook.com/unimaronitert/ and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/unimaronite/ 

The event proved to be a wonderful occasion for the students to bond over their shared Catholic faith and learn more about the beauty of the Maronite tradition. We look forward to further collaboration with UniMaronite throughout 2023 and beyond!