
Campion gets shout out in The Australian editorial

189-Campion-College-2018-NIKON-D3S-2018-10-30-12-58-12-DSC_2848.NEF-GPP-scaled. Campion College Australia.
189-Campion-College-2018-NIKON-D3S-2018-10-30-12-58-12-DSC_2848.NEF-GPP-scaled. Campion College Australia.
07 Jun 2021

Campion College was mentioned as a specialist college in an editorial in The Australian over the weekend.

In commenting on Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge's remarks on the need for universities to "differentiate and specialise":

Diversification is already under way. The advent of smaller, specialist colleges such as Campion College and Alphacrucis College, both in Parramatta, has increased students’ choices in the liberal arts and humanities, especially in the study of Western civilisation and theology.

The article continued:

...from July 1, under new regu­lations, a new category of university colleges will free up some institutions from meeting the research standards that apply to universities. Such colleges will be able to opt to be teaching-focused. This would be a worthwhile development if graduates were better prepared for working life in disciplines such as preschool, primary and secondary classroom teaching. If the model gains traction, it could signal a return to a system more like the pre-Dawkins model, in which colleges of advanced education specialised in teaching students but not in research.

Visit The Australian website to read the full editorial.