Commencing students kick off studies with 2023 Orientation Week

From 20-24 February, new Campion College students enjoyed a week of activities, seminars, introductions and outings as part of O-Week 2023.
The action-packed week, organised by our Student Life Officer together with the 2023 Student Executive and Residential Assistants, aimed to provide our commencing undergraduates with the information and tools needed to ease the transition to college life.
Students took part in meet-and-greets with staff, sat in on academic writing and study skills sessions, snacked on Shrove Tuesday pancakes and enjoyed a range of social activities including a skit night, bush dancing and tenpin bowling. They were also given the opportunity to consider how they might perform acts of charity during this Lenten season at a 'Clubs and Volunteering Expo' which took place on Ash Wednesday. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Aid to the Church in Need, Vinnies Youth, Catholic Youth Parramatta, Sydney Catholic Youth, Sydney Catholic Schools and Parousia Media for their presence during this event.
We would also like to thank our student leaders and volunteers - Sophie, Imogen, Elizabeth, Samuel, Xavier, Francis, Julian, Daniel, Anita, Grace, Paniny, Matthew, Michael, Sumika and Jude - for their efforts to welcome our new students and for their unwavering enthusiasm throughout the week.
See below for a selection of O-Week 2023 photos.