
Sem 1 2025 Textbooks & Readers

Sem 1 2025 Textbooks & Readers


Semester 1 2025

Please see below for a list of textbooks required for each unit.

Most units also require a unit reader. Readers cost $15-45 each and will be available for purchase at the start of the semester.

A limited number of book grants are available for undergraduate students halfway through the year. Please keep an eye on your student email for further details from the Associate Dean of Studies at this time.

HIS103: Introduction to Ancient Greece


HIS204: The Medieval World

  • Wim Blockmans and Peter Hoppenbrouwers, Introduction to Medieval Europe, 300-1550 (Routledge), 3rd (2017) or 4th (2023) edition
  • Unit reader


HIS301: Topics in Twentieth Century History


HIS302: Australian Politics, Culture and Religion since 1788

LIT103: Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature


LIT203: Medieval Literature

  • Anonymous. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Trans. Simon Armitage. Norton or Faber. ISBN: 9780393334159
  • Anonymous. The Mabinogion. Trans. Sue Townsend. Penguin. ISBN: 9780140443226
  • Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: Seventeen Tales and the General Prologue. A Norton Critical Edition. ISBN: 978-1-324-00056-3
  • Dante, The Divine Comedy. Trans Robin Fitpatrick. Penguin, 2012. ISBN: 9780141197494


LIT301: Selected Texts in Twentieth-Century Literature


LIT304: Shakespeare

PHI103: Socrates and the Examined Life

  • Plato, Republic, trans. Allan Bloom (Basic Books, 2016)
  • No unit reader


PHI203: Aristotelian, Thomistic and Kantian Ethics

  • Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, trans. Robert C. Bartlett and Susan D. Collins (University of Chicago Press, 2011)
  • Unit reader


PHI301: Modern Philosophy


PHI303: Philosophy of Language


SCI308: Formal Logic

THE103: Introduction to the Old Testament


THE201: Sacramental Theology


THE304: Social and Public Theology


THE305: The History and Theology of Sacred Art

LAN101, LAN102, LAN 203, LAN204

We will be using the following textbook: Hans H. Ørberg, Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata : Pars I Familia Romana (Indianapolis: Hackett, 2010). This is an immersive approach to the study of Latin. You will need the book for every class and for assessments.



A unit reader will be available for purchase at the beginning of the semester. The unit reader is required from week 1 onwards.

If you are reading an ancient text for the first time, the best translation is the one which engages your attention.  Guidance on specific translations has already been given. Please contact your lecturer for more information.

CICERO, Pro Caelio

(collected in: Cicero, Defence Speeches (tr. Berry) (Oxford)

LUCRETIUS, On the Nature of the Universe

SALLUST, Conspiracy of Catiline

(most translations of Sallust contain all his surviving works)

In preparation for LAN302 you should read

VIRGIL, The Aeneid

LIVY, Ab Urbe Condita I-V (published as The Early History of Rome by Penguin)

AUGUSTINE, The Confessions

In addition, a deep familiarity with the Book of Psalms—as well as the New Testament—in Latin or English, will be helpful for reading the Latin text of the Church Fathers.

A general history of Rome with good coverage of the classical period is Mary Beard’s SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome (Profile Books, 2016).

GRE101, LAN102, GRE201, GRE202

We will be using the following textbook: Donald J. Mastronarde, Introduction to Attic Greek (second edition), University of California Press, 2013. (ISBN: 9780520275713) Please note that this textbook is the best available for the work you need to do outside of class.



A unit reader will be available for purchase at at some point. Until then texts will be provided.

If you are reading an ancient text for the first time, the best translation is the one which engages your attention.  Guidance on specific translations has already been given. Please contact your lecturer for more information. We will be using the same unit reader as the one prescribed for GRE301 in semester 1.

For GRE301 you should read:

HOMER, The Iliad

In preparation for GRE302 you should read

HOMER, The Odyssey

HERODOTUS, The Histories

AESCHYLUS, The Oresteia

A good general history of Greece is A. R. Burn’s Pelican History of Greece (1966), later republished as The Penguin History of Greece (1990).

Please consult your unit outlines.