



Application: Special Consideration
Application: Assessment Extension
Application: Withdrawal without Financial/Academic Penalty


Assignment Submission Information

Electronic Submissions via Turnitin
All minor and major essays—and other assessment items only when specified by the lecturer—will be submitted via Turnitin. This software scans your essay for similarity with websites, e-books and journals, and all other essays submitted via Turnitin, including past submissions and essays submitted in other institutions. You will receive feedback from the marker, including comments and grade, via Turnitin.

Assessment Due Dates
The due date of an assessment item is either the due date specified in the unit outline or, when a student has requested and been granted an extension, the extended due date recorded on the signed “Request for Extension” form. Any assignment submitted after the due date will receive a penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark (100%) per day late, including weekend days.