
Audio and Audio-Visual Recording of Lectures Policy and Procedures

Audio and Audio-Visual Recording of Lectures Policy and Procedures


Audio and Audio-Visual Recording of Lectures Policy and Procedures

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: September 2019

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide the guidelines for the use of audio and audio-visual recordings of lectures, seminars, and tutorials delivered face-to-face.

2. Scope

2.1 This policy applies to all lecturers and students at Campion College.

2.2 This policy applies to all lectures, seminars, and tutorials delivered in courses requiring face-to-face attendance and participation.

3. Principles

3.1 Attendance at Campion College is an important requirement. Students must attend a minimum of 80% of tutorials and 80% of lectures in any of unit of study.

3.2 Some students, however, may be affected by a permanent or temporary physical or  psychological disability, which may impede them from attending classes regularly. The present policy wishes to accommodate the needs of this category of students.

4. Policy

4.1 Campion College will make available to students audio or audio-visual recording of lectures, seminars and tutorials to students who are affected by a temporary or permanent disability which prevents them from regularly attending classes in the following cases:

a. A student affected by a temporary physical disability;

b. A student affected by a permanent or chronic physical or psychological disability.

4.2 All recorded materials will be considered and remain property of Campion College and should not be reproduced or distributed without authorisation of the College under the Copyright Act.

5. Procedures

5.1 Audio or audio-visual recording of lectures, seminars and tutorials will be provided on the following conditions:

a. A student affected by a temporary disability must submit a formal request to the Dean of Studies providing evidence (e.g. Medical certificate or report of a therapist) of his/her inability to attend classes. The medical certificate or report must indicate the duration of the disability.

b. In the case of permanent or chronic disability the student should disclose this information at the time of enrolment so that adequate and permanent arrangements can be made. Students should provide supporting documentation in the form of medical certificates or reports at the time of enrolment indicating that the disability is permanent or chronic.

5.2 The application will be assessed by the Dean of Studies in consultation with the lecturer(s) involved. Applicants will be notified of the outcome and arrangements in writing within 5 working days.

5.3 Audio and audio-visual recordings will be done using the College’s equipment, unless otherwise arranged in agreement between the Dean of Studies, the student, and the lecturer involved.

5.4 Recorded ‘saved’ lessons will be made available to the student(s) for the duration of the semester via a secure online platform. At the end of the semester, all recorded materials will be archived.

5.5 All audio and audio-visual material provided to the student in a ‘streamed’ or other non- ‘saved’ format (or ordinary lessons viewed by the student in person) are not to be ‘saved’, ‘captured’ or otherwise recorded by the student unless explicit permission is given by the lecturer presenting the material.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 Lecturers and Tutors are responsible for implementing the procedures described in items 5.3-5.5 of this policy.

6.2 Students who have successfully applied to have lessons recorded are responsible for complying with copyright laws, as mentioned under item 4.2.

6.3 The Dean of Studies is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the implementation of this policy.