
Academic Year Principles

Academic Year Principles


Academic Year Principles

Last Approval/Amendment Date: February 2024

1. Purpose

1.1. This policy provides the basis for the development of the calendar for each academic year.

2. Definitions

2.1. For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Public Holiday means a holiday observed either nationally and/or in New South Wales and/or by Campion College. If a holiday falls on a weekend, it will normally be observed the following Monday.

Summer School and Winter School means a promotional activity for prospective students run between semesters.

Intensive Unit of Study means a unit—either for credit or non-accredited—delivered between semesters.

Teaching Period means a period within an academic program, namely a semester, in which a student undertakes and completes units of study.

3. Scope

3.1 This policy applies to all students and staff at Campion College.

4. Principles

4.1 The College operates on a semester system with the academic year divided into two teaching periods.

4.2 Intensive units of study or summer and winter schools may occur in addition to the two scheduled semesters.

5. Policy

5.1 Undergraduate Academic Year Dates

5.1.1. Weeks in the academic semester will be numbered sequentially starting with the first week of each semester (Week1).

5.1.2. The first semester will normally commence on the nearest Monday occurring either before or after March 1 in any year.

5.1.3. The second semester will normally commence on the nearest Monday occurring either before or after August 1 in any year.

5.1.4. Each semester will normally consist of 13 teaching weeks followed by a one-week study vacation and a two-week formal examination period.

5.1.5. Each semester will normally include a one-week mid-semester break.

5.1.6. The mid-semester break will normally try to establish a relatively even balance of weeks before and after the break. However, this may not always be possible.

5.1.7. Orientation Week will be held in the week prior to Week 1 of each semester.

5.2 Postgraduate Academic Year Dates

5.2.1. Since Campion’s postgraduate course offerings are in the field of Education training for teachers, its academic calendar may differ from the undergraduate calendar to suit the interests of enrolments.

5.2.2. Weeks in the postgraduate academic year will be numbered sequentially starting with the first week of the first semester (Week1).

5.2.3. The first semester will normally commence in the middle of February, two weeks prior to the commencement of the undergraduate semester.

5.2.4. The second semester will normally commence in the middle of July, two weeks prior to the commencement of the undergraduate semester.

5.2.5. Each semester will normally consist of 12 teaching weeks, with no examination period.

5.2.6. Each semester will normally include a one or two-week mid-semester break.

5.2.7. The mid-semester break will normally try to establish a relatively even balance of weeks before and after the break. However, this may not always be possible.

5.3 Universities Australia Common Vacation Dates
Universities Australia publishes dates for each year where common non-teaching weeks are recommended to universities, allowing flexibility for cross-sector activities such as staff conferences and student events. The Universities Australia common vacation weeks are scheduled for:

  • the week beginning with Easter Monday;
  • week 19; and
  • week 31.

Campion College will consider these dates when determining its Academic Year, with the Easter and Labor Day vacations normally forming the mid-semester vacation in each semester.

The Universities Australia Common Vacation Dates 2024 – 2026 are as follows:

Common vacation weeks Easter Week 19 Week 31
2024 29 Mar – 2 Apr 1 – 5 July 23 – 27 Sep
2025 21 – 25 April 7 – 11 July 29 Sep – 3 Oct
2026 6 – 10 April 6 – 10 July 28 Sep – 2 Oct


5.4 Public Holidays

The following Public Holidays in NSW will also be student and staff holidays where teaching or work would normally occur on that day:

  • New Years’ Day
  • Australia Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • ANZAC Day
  • Queen’s Birthday (June Long Weekend)
  • Labour Day (October Long Weekend)
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day
  • Any other Public Holiday proclaimed by the Governor of NSW as a Public Holiday throughout the whole of the state

5.5. Christmas Closedown

The Board of Trustees has determined that the College will observe a Christmas Closedown where the College will not operate and the campus will be closed. During this period, it is expected that staff will be away from the workplace. The dates for the Closedown will be confirmed each year by the College Executive.

5.5 Variations

5.5.1 The Board of Trustees has determined that the College will observe a Christmas Closedown where the College will not operate and the campus will be closed. During this period, it is expected that staff will be away from the workplace.

5.5.2 The dates for the Closedown will be confirmed each year by the College Executive.

5.6 Variations

5.6.1. Any variations to the approved calendar required under emergency conditions, may be approved by the Campion Executive. Such emergency conditions will be determined by the Executive or the Critical Incident Management Team.

5.6.2. Under all other circumstances, variations must be approved by the Academic Board six months prior to the teaching period impacted by the change.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 The Dean of Studies is responsible for preparing a draft academic calendar two years ahead of implementation. The Dean is also responsible for implementing the approved calendar.

6.2 The Teaching and Learning Committee is responsible for advising on a draft academic calendar.

6.3 The Academic Board is responsible for approving the academic calendar.

6.4 All staff and students are responsible for planning classes and administrative deadlines based on the approved calendar.

6.5 Staff delegated with communication are responsible for publishing the academic calendar on the website, student handbook, and other relevant formats.

7. References

7.1 Universities Australia Teaching Calendar. URL: www.universitiesaustralia.edu.au/our-universities/teaching-calendars/