
Bursaries and Scholarships Policy and Procedures


Bursaries and Scholarships Policy and Procedures

Latest Amendment/Approval Date: October 2023

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this policy is to provide transparency, clarity, and consistency in establishing, administering and disbursing Campion College scholarships, which
exist to:

a. Attract students to Campion;

b. Recognise student achievement;

c. Assist students to overcome financial barriers to undertaking higher education;

d. Support students in their efforts to achieve success in higher education.

2. Definitions

2.1 A bursary is financial aid awarded by the College to students who cannot afford to pay all of their residential fees or other costs incurred in relation to their studies.

2.2 A scholarship is a monetary award to further a student’s education at Campion College Australia. Scholarships at Campion are merit-based; awarded on the basis of a student’s academic and other abilities. They also often factor in an applicant’s extracurricular activities and community service record. They recognise academic achievement as measured on previous examinations or academic aptitude as indicated by high scores on standardized tests.

3. Scope

3.1 This policy applies to all eligible Campion students and all staff involved in administering the awards.

4. Principles

4.1. In awarding scholarships and bursaries, Campion demonstrates its commitment to recognition, excellence, equity, and diversity.

4.2. Scholarships and bursaries are established, awarded, and administered using an equitable, transparent, and consistent framework.

5. Policy

5.1 General Conditions

5.1.1 Each Academic Year the College may make available a number of Scholarships and Bursaries. Appendix A contains a full list of Scholarships and Bursaries offered by
the College including information on the specific criteria of eligibility, amounts, terms and conditions of each particular scholarship and bursary type.

5.1.2 These Scholarships and Bursaries aim to reward deserving applicants seeking to enrol, or currently enrolled undergraduate students, at the College.

5.1.3 The availability and awarding of College Scholarships and Bursaries is at the discretion of the President.

5.1.4 The number and monetary value of Scholarships and Bursaries awarded will be at the discretion of the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee.

5.1.5 Only one scholarship can be awarded per student at any one time, unless otherwise specified in Appendix A. If a student becomes eligible to receive another
scholarship of a higher value, his/her current scholarship will be deferred or withdrawn as specified in Item 5.5.3.

5.1.6 Students on scholarships who experience financial stress may also apply for a bursary. Students receiving a bursary may apply for an increase to the amount
awarded if they demonstrate that they are experiencing a change in circumstances which is adding to their financial stress.

5.2 General Eligibility Requirements

5.2.1    To be eligible to apply for/receive a Scholarship or Bursary an applicant must:

a. Be a citizen or permanent resident of Australia, or New Zealand citizen, unless otherwise specified in Appendix A;

b. Have applied for admission to an undergraduate degree and be enrolled as a full-time student at the College unless otherwise specified in Appendix A ;

c. Be able to meet all requirements of the Specific Criteria as specified in Appendix A;

5.3 Duration of an Award

5.3.1 Scholarships and Bursaries are awarded for the standard duration of a degree with a full-time load, unless otherwise specified in Appendix A and provided the
conditions of continuation are met at the end of each year, as per Item 5.4.

5.4. Conditions of Continuation

5.4.1 All scholarships awarded for the duration of a degree will continue to be paid after the first and second years of study, subject to the recipient:

a. passing all units in which they are enrolled;

b. maintaining full time enrolment in the degree in which they were enrolled when the scholarship was offered;

c. continuing to meet his or her obligations pursuant to the College’s Student Code of Conduct Campion College;

d. undergoing an annual re-appraisal process and submitting evidence to demonstrate their achievements over the previous year—and their continued plans for the following year—in areas relevant to their scholarship (ie. leadership, media, sport, etc). This will require a student to outline what they have achieved in the area relevant to their scholarship(ie. leadership, media, sport, etc) and what they aim to achieve in the subsequent year. They must demonstrate, through this re-appraisal
process, that they have met all the criteria for the scholarship to continue.

5.4.2 All bursaries offered for the duration of a degree will continue to be paid after the first and second years of study, subject to the recipient:

a. passing all units in which they are enrolled;

b. maintaining full time enrolment in the degree in which they were enrolled when the scholarship was offered;

c. continuing to meet his or her obligations pursuant to the College’s Student Code of Conduct Campion College;

d. At the end of each year of a bursary, submitting a Bursary Re-Appraisal Form with an update of their financial need.

5.5. Scholarship Deferral and Withdrawal

5.5.1 The scholarship or bursary will be withdrawn if the recipient:

a. withdraws from the degree before or after the Census date; or

b. fails to meet the requirements in Item 5.4 and the specific criteria of their scholarship or bursary stipulated in Appendix A; or

c. is the subject of disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct and the CCA Student Misconduct Policy; or

d. defers their full-time study or takes leave of absence for any reason for more than one year (two semesters).

5.5.2. A scholarship or bursary will be withdrawn via formal notification.

5.5.3. A scholarship or bursary will be deferred for one semester if its recipient becomes eligible to receive another scholarship of a higher value with a shorter duration. If
the student is eligible or continues to be eligible to receive a higher value scholarship for two semesters or longer, the existing scholarship will be withdrawn.

5.6 Selection Criteria and Supporting Documentation

5.6.1 A merit-based scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic and other abilities. Academic abilities are demonstrated through some or all of the following:

a. An ATAR (Australia Tertiary Admissions Ranking) or equivalent;

b. An IB (International Baccalaureate) result;

c. A graded pre-tertiary qualification from an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) at Certificate IV (AQF) Level or higher;

d. An academic transcript outlining a GPA (Grade Point Average) received from a previously or partially completed undergraduate degree undertaken within
the last five years; and/or e. STAT (Special Tertiary Admissions Test) results.

f. A combination of the above.

5.6.2 The documentation required as evidence of other abilities is specified in the criteria of each scholarship type in Appendix A.

5.6.3 The criteria for each merit-based scholarship is listed in Appendix A.

5.6.4 A bursary will be awarded on the basis of financial need, which may be demonstrated through some or all of the following:

a. Centrelink statement;

b. Payment summary;

c. Pay slip;

d. Statutory declaration;

e. Bank statements;

f. A combination of the above.

5.7 Application, Selection and Awarding Process

5.7.1 Applicants must complete the relevant CCA Scholarship Application Form or Bursary Application Form, unless otherwise specified in Appendix A.

5.7.2 All scholarship and bursary applications must be received by the published due date for applications.

5.7.3 All relevant supporting documentation as stated in Item 5.6 and Appendix A must be submitted with the Application Form by the published due date or may be
requested after the due date.

5.7.4 Additional information, such as notifications of ATAR results from UAC and/or TISC must be received by the due date published on the website.

5.7.5 The Scholarships and Bursaries will be awarded by the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee. The Scholarships and Bursaries Committee will assess each scholarship and bursary application against general and specific criteria as stated in Item 5.6 and Appendix A within 20 business days after the closing application
date published on the website.

5.7.6 An award will not be made if it is considered that there is no candidate of sufficient merit.

5.7.7 Scholarship recipients will be advised of the outcome by telephone or e-mail prior to receiving formal notification of Offer of Scholarship or Offer of Bursary by email. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised by e-mail of the outcome of their application.

5.7.8 Recipients will have 14 calendar days of receipt of notification by mail to accept the offer. If a Scholarship or Bursary recipient does not accept the offer within this
time, the College may withdraw the offer.

5.8 Payment

5.8.1 Scholarships and bursaries are paid in the following manner:

  • Non-residential students may request payment into their bank account or offset their scholarship or bursary against tuition fees.
  • Residential students may offset their scholarship or bursary against residential fees.

5.8.2. When cash payment of scholarship or bursary is requested, payment is processed after the Census date in one or more instalments.

5.8.3. When a scholarship or bursary is offset against residential fees, the total amount of the scholarship or bursary is gradually applied over the duration of the entire
semester; the number of instalments being equal to the number of residential invoices for the semester.

5.8.4. Under extenuating circumstances, the scholarship and bursary committee may approve early payment of a scholarship or bursary.

5.8.5. Overpaid amounts of a scholarship or bursary may be recovered from any future scholarship or bursary payments to the student.

5.8.6. The College may stop any unpaid scholarship or bursary instalments to a scholarship recipient after issuing a formal scholarship withdrawal notification in
accordance with Item 5.5.2.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 The Scholarship and Bursary Selection Committee will convene at appropriate times closely following the closure of applications.

6.2 The committee is responsible for:

a. assessing scholarship and bursary applications;

b. determining the appropriate amounts awarded according to the guidelines in this policy and the specific criteria set out for each scholarship type in
Appendix A;

c. determining the number of scholarships to be awarded annually for each category;

d. assessing statements submitted by recipients as part of the annual Scholarship and Bursary Re-Appraisal process;

e. adjusting, if required, the amounts of scholarships and Bursaries as a result of the annual Scholarship and Bursary Re-Appraisal process;

f. Making decision regarding scholarship and bursaries withdrawals.

6.3. This Committee includes:

  • President of the College;
  • Director of Operations
  • Dean of Studies (Chair), and
  • Business Manager.

6.4. The Dean of Studies is responsible for informing all prospective and continuing students about changes to the availability and eligibility of scholarships and

6.5. The Dean of Studies is also responsible for informing applicants of the outcome.

7. References

7.1 TEQSA Guidance Note: Diversity and Equity, Version 1.2. 11 October 2017

7.2 This policy has been benchmarked against:

  • University of Wollongong: Undergraduate Student Scholarships and Grants Policy for its example on how scholarships are intended to support students
    with demonstrated merit and with financial need.
  • Australian National University, Scholarships Policy (Coursework) for the manner in which it aligns student scholarships with the strategic directions of
    the University.

7.3 “Scholarships and Bursaries Review 2019—Final Report and Recommendations”, October 2019


Appendix A: Scholarships & Bursaries