
Grade Point Average and Average Mark Policy

Grade Point Average and Average Mark Policy


Grade Point Average and Average Mark Policy

Latest Amendment:/Approval Date: March 2020

1. Purpose

1.1. This policy is intended to assist staff and students to calculate WAM and Grade Point Average.

2. Definitions

2.1. For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Grade Point Average is a numerical calculation, weighted by credit points, of the mean grades received over a defined study period (eg. semester /year) or program.

Weighted Average Mark means the average mark achieved across all completed units in a Program, or a defined set of completed units, including fail grades, weighted according to the unit value and academic level of the particular course.

3. Scope

3.1 This policy may be applicable for staff calculating students’ eligibility for scholarships, merit awards, and recommendations.

3.2 The calculation of WAMs and GPAs is applicable to all units required for the completion of any coursework degree at Campion College.

4. Policy

4.1 The Grade Point Average is determined by assessing the grade (e.g. Credit; Pass) received in each unit of study in the course to determine an average. It is calculated using the following formula:

Sum of (credit points for subject x GPA value of grade)
Sum of credit points attempted

Grades have the following GPA values:

High Distinction 7.0
Distinction 6.0
Credit 5.0
Pass 4.0
Terminating Pass 3.0
Fail 0.0


4.2 The Weighted Average Mark is determined by assessing the mark (e.g. 68; 73) received in each unit of study in the course to determine an average. It is calculated using the following formula:

Sum of (credit points for subject x mark)
Sum of credit points attempted

The final average mark is rounded to the nearest integer.