



The impact and importance of science are unmistakable. The College’s program exposes students to the value and the limits of scientific knowledge. It incorporates the units of study of biology and mathematics, introducing students to the foundations of scientific understanding, while elucidating scientific principles and methods. The broad impact of scientific discoveries on society and the environment is examined, as well as the inter-relationship between science and religion. The key aims here are to nurture in students an appreciation of the physical universe, of scientific methods and the principles of scientific enquiry and a critical appreciation of the philosophical issues raised by the scientific project.


Studying Science at Campion

All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts (3-years) must complete at least two units of Science.

Individuals who do not wish to enrol in a full course may enrol in single units as a non-award (for academic credit) or auditing student.


Science units on offer

SCI303: The History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science
This unit provides an introduction to topics, methods and skills arising from the history, philosophy and sociology of science.

SCI304: The Darwinian Revolution
This unit provides the opportunity to perform a case-study analysis of the complex relationship between science and society.

SCI305: Human Biology
This unit of study introduces the principles governing biological systems, and how they operate at different levels of organisation.

SCI306: Human Biology II
This unit builds upon knowledge and skills attained in SCI305, with a focus upon the immune and reproductive systems, human genetics, evolution and ecology.

SCI307: History of the Mathematical Sciences: From Antiquity to the Present
This unit explores the ways in which mathematics has been used as a key component for understanding humanity and its relationship with the natural world.

SCI308: Formal Logic
This unit deals with the basics of propositional and predicate logic, including syntax in a natural deduction setting, and some semantics and metatheory.



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