
LAN101: Classical Latin I (Introductory)

LAN101: Classical Latin I (Introductory)


LAN101: Classical Latin I (Introductory)

Key details

Accredited towardsDiploma of Classical Languages
Unit typeCore unit
Credit points6
Indicative contact hours3 hours per week
Offered inSemester 1
Tuition feeLearn more



This unit is designed for beginners and requires no previous knowledge of a foreign language or of English Grammar. The grammatical concepts and categories of the Latin language encountered during this unit are fully explained within the unit itself. Students study Classical Latin (c.100 BC – c.100 AD) but material from other periods may also be introduced for illustration.

We will be using the following textbook for this course: Hans H. Ørberg, Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata : Pars I Familia Romana (Indianapolis: Hackett, 2010). This is an immersive approach to the study of Latin. You will need the book for every class and for assessments.


Learning outcomes

On completion of the unit students will have:

  1. An understanding of the fundamental concepts of Latin grammar.
  2. Knowledge of the core Latin vocabulary and grammar, including syntax.
  3. The ability to translate simple texts from Latin to English and vice versa.
  4. The ability to read Latin aloud using a reasonable pronunciation
  5. The ability to participate effectively and confidently in group work and practical exercises in tutorials.



Interested in other Latin units?

LAN101Classical Latin I
LAN102Classical Latin II
LAN203Classical Latin III
LAN204Classical Latin IV
LAN301Language and Culture in Late Republican Rome
LAN302Pagans and Christians from Augustus to Augustine
LAN305The Eternal City from Paganism to Christianity



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