
THE304: Social and Public Theology

THE304: Social and Public Theology


THE304: Social and Public Theology

Key details

Accredited towardsBachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts
Unit typeElective unit
Credit points6
Indicative contact hours3 hours per week
Offered inSemester 1
Tuition feeLearn more



This subject addresses issues of public morality in contemporary society. Through a detailed study of Catholic social teaching, students analyse the ethical and theological dimensions of a range of public issues. These are linked to important developments in the philosophical understanding of justice from Ancient Greece until the present era. There is a particular focus on issues that are the subject of robust political debate and on which the Catholic Church has enunciated a clear teaching. Specific topics treated include the strengths and weaknesses of the free market economy; the just war tradition; capital punishment; work and leisure; environmental ethics; and issues pertaining to poverty and underdevelopment.


Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit of study, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the principles and development of Christian social ethics
  2. Demonstrate a familiarity with the literature of social ethics with particular focus on Catholic social teaching
  3. Evaluate the ethical dimensions of current social and professional issues
  4. Appreciate the importance of a Christian engagement in public life that is responsible and prophetic
  5. Encourage research, critical reading, reflection and analysis of presented material and readings
  6. Work constructively in a group and actively participate in tutorial events



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