



The purpose of the study of theology at Campion is to expose students to the world of higher knowledge and meaning in the context of Catholic faith, responding to the deepest desires of the human mind and heart, and developing a consciousness of spiritual realities and moral values in life and society.

Theology at Campion is built on the foundations of faith and reason. The scripturally-based content of faith and the progression from the Old to the New Covenant are covered extensively in a course on revelation. In sacramental theology students learn about the sacramental principle that lies at the heart of God’s creation and about the manner in which, through the sacraments, Christians encounter God most sublimely on their earthly pilgrimage.

Most of the latter part of Campion’s theology curriculum is concerned with moral and social issues. Students learn about the rich contribution of Catholic moral tradition and Catholic social teaching to discussions about a wide range of ethical questions. The significant impact of the Second Vatican Council in the life of the contemporary Church is also covered extensively, encompassing the historical/theological context from which it arose and the Council’s legacy for Catholics today.


Studying Theology at Campion

All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts (3-years) complete THE111, THE102, THE201 and THE202 as part of Campion’s core curriculum. Students who wish to graduate with a major in theology should choose THE301, THE302, THE303 and THE304 in third year, thus completing eight theology units overall to satisfy the requirement for a major.

Individuals who do not wish to enrol in a full course may enrol in single units as a non-award (for academic credit) or auditing student.


Theology units on offer

THE111: Introduction to Catholic Theology
This unit introduces students to the sources, principles, and methods of the Catholic study of theology.

THE102: The Development of Revelation
This unit introduces revelation in the Judaeo-Christian tradition of the Old Testament and its fulfilment as reflected in the Christian New Testament.

THE201: Sacramental Theology
This unit explores the theological principles governing Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick.

THE202: Fundamental Moral Theology
This unit explores topics including moral absolutes, conscience and the role of emotions in morality, sin, freedom and responsibility.

THE301: Theology of the Post-Conciliar Era
This unit of study reviews the Church’s encounter with modernity and post-modernity by a study of the documents of the Second Vatican Council.

THE302: Bioethics and the Catholic Tradition
The unit provide an interdisciplinary account of the ethical issues at stake where medical science and technology impact upon human society.

THE303: Moral and Sexual Integrity
This unit considers human moral development and the integration of sexuality with Christian morality.

THE304: Public Morality and Catholic Social Ethics
This unit addresses issues of public morality through analysis of the ethical and theological dimensions of a range of public issues.



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